Dr. HOU (David)

注冊中醫師(針灸師) 侯博士開放預約中醫專家門診/針灸等輔助治療項目。侯博士畢業於天津中醫藥大學,師從國家授勛的國醫大師石學敏院士。擁有28年的臨床經驗。BC省注冊中醫師(針灸師),BC省中醫針灸聯合會理事。尤其擅長治療車禍後遺症/運動損傷引發的綜合徵。Hou, who has 28 year’ experience in TCM treatment, received his doctor’s degree from Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He got the TCM Practitioners ( include Acupuncturist) Certificate in BC.

Crystal (Wing Yee) Lee

Crystal 畢業於香港中文大學針灸學碩士,有十餘年的從藝經驗,是BC認證的中醫和針灸師。 她擅長用針灸和中藥為病人調理身體。專制中醫內科和婦科的疑難雜症。 Crystal graduated from the master of Acupuncture in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and has more than 10 years of medical experoence. She is a BC certified TCM and Acupuncturist. She specializes in the treatment of TCM internal medicine and gynaecological disorder, infertility and sterility.

Dr. John Li

RMT註冊按摩師, John開放預約註冊按摩項目。原廣州骨科醫院骨科專家,有多年的骨科臨床經驗。與2019年畢業於Vancouver Career College的註冊按摩治療課程,同年獲得RMT按摩師認證。John used to be an orthopedic surgeon. He graduated from the Massage Therapy program at Vancouver Career College and obtained his RMT Massage Therapist certification in 2019.

Logan Ma

RMT注冊按摩師 Logan開放預約注冊按摩項目。他畢業於WCCMT,對解刨學有著很强的理解。這使他能夠根據顧客的症狀提供具體的治療。擅長筋膜放鬆,以及深層組織/關節(在關節的極限内)按摩。他精通國語,粵語和英語。 graduated from West Coast College of Massage Therapy. Logan, who has a strong understanding and knowledge of anatomy, is skilled in fascia release, deep tissue massage and joint manipulation. Logan can speak English, Mandarin and Cantonese.

Heidi Zhou

Heidi是一位有15年经验的头疗美容师。她曾为众多生活工作压力紧张的客人治疗。擅长舒缓头痛,解决睡眠问题。她的治疗可以帮助客人脸部皮肤血液循环,提神紧致。Heidi is a head esthetician with 15 years of experience. She has treated many clients with stressful life and work. Good at soothing headaches and solving sleep problems. Her treatments help to improve blood circulation, improves firmness.

Ava Wan

从事按摩行业二十余年,熟悉人体经络分布,手法娴熟。擅长通过按摩疏通经络,消除疲劳。 Ava has more than 20 years of massage experience. She specializes in relaxing the body by massage the meridians.

Marjorie Lim

Arthur To

Arthur 畢業於香港中文大學碩士, 主修中風及神經學。有十餘年的臨床經驗。擅長治療消化道,肝膽疾病以及各類型的痛症。RMT注冊按摩師 Logan開放預約注冊按摩項目。他畢業於WCCMT,對解刨學有著很强的理解。這使他能夠根據顧客的症狀提供具體的治療。擅長筋膜放鬆,以及深層組織/關節(在關節的極限内)按摩。他精通國語,粵語和英語。Arthur graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong with a master’s degree. Major in stroke and neurology. He was more than ten years of clinical experience. Specializes in the treatment of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary diseases and various types of pain.

Tony Wu

RMT注冊按摩師 Tony開放預約注冊按摩項目。與2019年畢業於溫哥華職業學院,同年獲得RMT按摩師認證。吳醫生尤其擅長治療姿勢問題以及因機動車事故和運動損傷引起的綜合徵。他的目標是通過制定治療計劃幫助顧客恢復健康。 graduated from Vancouver Career College and received his RMT license in 2019. He specializes in postural issues due to motor vehicle accidents and sports injuries.